

M-Technologies has developed a worldwide presence and now available in 13 countries under various brands. We participate actively in the expansion of the brand of our partners. Our current policy consists on supplying our clients /distributors with original, innovative and price competitive products.

To differentiate our products on the market, we focus our efforts on developing and innovating medical and preventive devices. So that our clients/partners can take care of the distribution of products developed under their own label.




Our ambition is to extend our worldwide presence, and to continue supplying our partners/clients with a large range of original, innovative and competitive price preventive and medical devices. We also aim to develop our products portfolio to anticipate and respond to our customers’ needs.



Since its creation, M-Technologies defines itself through its four values. Innovation, Quality, Opening, and Adaptation are the foundations of whom we are. We continuously make sure to respect them:

– Innovation is the heart of our business. To keep up with the evolution of the medical devices industry, we have to improve continuously our products.

– Quality is essential in such a sensitive domain that is the medical devices. We promise through ISO certification 13485 as well as the CE marking to guarantee an irreproachable quality of products to our customers.

– Opening to different cultures, as we aim to have an international presence, we respect the cultures and the traditions of every country and we value their differences.

– Adaptation of our products to the specific needs of the patients in the first place and in a second level we try to adapt our presence to the local culture of every country.